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St. Bernard 2021-205
St. Bernard 2021-248
St. Bernard 2021-501
St. Bernard 2021-501
St. Bernard 2021-327

Annie Jr. Ticket Pre-Sale Day 3

Need to Purchase Tickets? - Tickets can be purchased by school families in the school cafeteria from 7:25 AM - 7:45 AM on the following dates: 4/19, 4/20, 4/26, and 4/27. Tickets are $5 each. Parents sending money with a child are asked to include a note stating how many tickets and the date of…

more: Annie Jr. Ticket Pre-Sale Day 3

Event Series Saint Bernard Spirit Store Open

Saint Bernard Spirit Store Open

 The Saint Bernard Spirit store will be accepting pre-orders until midnight on Sunday, August 13. Once the store stops taking orders, they will fulfill all orders by the first spirit day on September 1, 2023.Click here to shop: You will receive an email once your order is ready for pick up or has been shipped.  **Due to…

more: Saint Bernard Spirit Store Open

Grill Chill Thrill Event

All Saint Bernard Catholic School and Preschool families are invited to stop by our Grill Chill Thrill event on Wednesday, August 2 from 5:00-7:00 PM. Kona Ice will be available for purchase at this event. This is a great opportunity for new students and families to meet our teachers and others in our school community…

more: Grill Chill Thrill Event

Back to School Pool Party

Back to School Pool Party | Friday, August 11 from 6-8 PMAll Saint Bernard Catholic School and Preschool families are invited for a night of family fun in the pool and some pizza us we close out our first week of school with a SPLASH! A special thanks to our PTO for sponsoring this event.