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St. Bernard 2021-205
St. Bernard 2021-248
St. Bernard 2021-501
St. Bernard 2021-501
St. Bernard 2021-327

Shop & Collect

Box Tops for Education

Look for box tops on participating grocery store products.  A complete list can be found at  We are no longer collecting the physical box tops.

On the website you can also download the Box Tops app, which makes it so easy to collect the box-top points by simply scanning your receipt.

Download and set up the Box Tops Bonus App for Additional savings!

Kroger Plus Card

Connect your Kroger Plus card to St. Bernard School to earn funds for the school.

  1. Log onto the Kroger website
  2. Under the Savings & Rewards tab, click Kroger Community Rewards
  3. Designate your organization as XXXXXXXX

Amazon Smile

St. Bernard School can earn 0.5% of your purchases for the school.

  1. Start at (note you must start at this site to get credit each time you purchase)
  2. Log into your Amazon account
  3. Search for XXXXXXXX as your designated charitable organization

Aluminum Tabs

The school receives $0.40-0.50 per pound of tabs turned in for reuse.  Please pull tabs from your aluminum cans and turn them into the school office or in the black boxes in the back & side vestibules at church.