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St. Bernard 2021-205
St. Bernard 2021-248
St. Bernard 2021-501
St. Bernard 2021-501
St. Bernard 2021-327

Bingo For Books + Academic Fair

Bingo for Books + Academic Fair is on Monday, April 17 from 5-7 PM as we kickoff our Scholastic BOGO Book Fair. Families can enjoy touring the school and seeing student projects and presentations from 5-6 PM. Students will have the opportunity to win books, posters, and other fun prizes playing BINGO from 6-7 PM.…

more: Bingo For Books + Academic Fair

Annie Jr. Ticket Pre-Sale

Need to Purchase Tickets? - Tickets can be purchased by school families in the school cafeteria from 7:25 AM - 7:45 AM on the following dates: 4/19, 4/20, 4/26, and 4/27. Tickets are $5 each. Parents sending money with a child are asked to include a note stating how many tickets and the date of…

more: Annie Jr. Ticket Pre-Sale

ILearn Testing Begins

ILEARN testing will begin next Wednesday, April 19 for grades 3-8 and will continue for several weeks. P lease make sure your child is getting plenty of sleep and eating a healthy breakfast each morning. Parents should avoid scheduling appointments during the morning hours during testing

Annie Jr. Ticket Pre-Sale Day 2

Need to Purchase Tickets? - Tickets can be purchased by school families in the school cafeteria from 7:25 AM - 7:45 AM on the following dates: 4/19, 4/20, 4/26, and 4/27. Tickets are $5 each. Parents sending money with a child are asked to include a note stating how many tickets and the date of…

more: Annie Jr. Ticket Pre-Sale Day 2

April Birthday Mass

Students celebrating an April Birthday have a free dress day and will receive a special blessing at Mass.

May, June, July Birthday Mass

Students celebrating a May, June, or July Birthday have a free dress day and will receive a special blessing at Mass.

Saint Bernard Kindergarten Info Night

Wednesday, May 3 / 6:00 PM--- Saint Bernard GymnasiumAll families interested in enrolling a child in Kindergarten at Saint Bernard Catholic School for the 2023-2024 school year! Choosing the right Kindergarten program for your child is a big decision, but Saint Bernard Catholic School makes it easier! Our mission at Saint Bernard is to educate the whole…

more: Saint Bernard Kindergarten Info Night